Here are some additional details about the disc golf course:
The course is open during kayak rental hours
There is a small day use fee for the grounds
Discs are provided as long as they are returned
We will be selling discs and other related products
New Disc Golf Course Coming to SPPF
Susan's Pleasant Pheasant Farm has recently begun developing a disc golf course. The course will include 18 holes, located on the property grounds with varying terrain including open fields, wooded areas, and a pond. This course will be enjoyable for players at any level. If you are looking for a new way to enjoy the outdoors in the Catskills, be sure to check it out!

Rules of Disc Golf
The goal of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws.
A hole begins with a tee throw, and is completed when the disc comes to rest in the
designated disc golf basket. -
Players take turns throwing from the tee area, and the player whose disc is farthest from the hole is always the next to throw.
Players can use any of their discs for each throw, or use the same disc for multiple throws.
The lie is the spot where the player's previous throw landed. Mark each lie with a mini marker disc or leave the thrown disc on the ground where it landed. The players subsequent throw is made from directly behind the marked lie.
The fairway is any location that is more than 10 meters away from the hole. Fairway throws must be made from directly behind the lie.
A mandatory also called a mando is one or more designated trees or poles in the fairway.
Players must throw around the mando, and cannot throw directly at it. -
A penalty stroke is incurred for any of the following:
Throwing out of bounds
Hitting a tree or other object
Stepping past the lie before the disc comes to rest
Calling a lie that is not accurate
The player with the lowest total strokes for the entire course wins
Players must stay on the designated path unless they are taking a penalty stroke. Players must not interfere with other players throws.
Players must be respectful of the environment and other park users.